Month: November 2014


Citizenfour is less of a nuts and bolts documentary and more of a political thriller. It’s edited for optimum suspense and even frames itself with protagonists. Those protagonists are American journalist Glenn Greenwald and controversial NSARead Full Review


Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is one of the most beloved pop culture institutions in America, and one of my own personal favorites. So yes, I went into Rosewater very much wanting it to be good,Read Full Review


Bennett Miller is an actor’s director, unafraid to let his leading men (and so far, it has always been men) take the spotlight. His movies seem to lack a singular voice, and in the caseRead Full Review


Those who may have a distaste for Chris Nolan’s movies may dislike his redundant narratives, his over-reliance on pathos as a motivating tool, his high-class manipulation no doubt helped by a lucrative partnership with musicRead Full Review

Big Hero 6

If we’re to believe that Disney Animation Studios is going through a renewed spurt of creative output, a run of films that can compete with their overachieving little brother, Pixar, than what does it meanRead Full Review

The Theory of Everything

James Marsh is a commendable documentary filmmaker. His Man On Wire won the Oscar for Best Documentary in 2008, mostly because it understood that the film’s star, Phillippe Petit, was the sole focus. With The Theory of Everything,Read Full Review

The Book of Life

Films as close to a cultural heritage as The Book of Life is run the risk of becoming overtly self-serious history lessons, especially when you consider that the main audience draw for this film is children. SoRead Full Review

Force Majeure

A movie like Force Majeure puts the audience in a pretty precarious position. Like the American film Compliance from 2012, Majeure presents us with a situation and we watch as a character makes a split decision that effects several people. We’dRead Full Review


Nightcrawler accomplishes what few films can: to create a heightened reality that is also effected by the reality of day-to-day life. It’s a scathing look at local news journalism, but it’s mostly an eerie character studyRead Full Review