If anybody can play tough at the age of 78, it’s Clint Eastwood. The man has spent the last forty years spreading out squint-inducing intimidation and that has made him a living legend in moreRead Full Review
Month: December 2008
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, is a good story, not a great one. It’s a charming tale about a man born 5’8”, with the mind and bodyRead Full Review
There are few acting talents in American cinema as titanic as either Meryl Streep or Philip Seymour Hoffman, so to have the two going toe-to-toe within Doubt is a cinephile’s dream. The film was written and directedRead Full Review
Slumdog Millionaire
Danny Boyle has made a career out of making films that are based purely on energy. Trainspotting perfectly captured the heroin-induced, techno-blasting lifestyles of a group of Scottish junkies. 28 Days Later was a film which used it’s grittyRead Full Review
Lo and behold the most grandiose film of the year, Australia. It’s been seven years since the last time we saw Baz Luhrman behind the camera. He’s the man behind such sensory assaults as Romeo + Juliet and MoulinRead Full Review
Frost/Nixon is not the first film to showcase the most infamous president in American history, but its probably the best. Nixon is such a mystical figure in political folklore, as well as a physical representation ofRead Full Review